Be Rewarded When Your Friends Click onto Your Referral Link and Buy
3 mins read.
You will be rewarded with 25% commission when your friends click onto your referral link and buy this dishwashing liquid. Your friends will get a 5% discount code.
When your friends subscribe to a 30, 60, 90, or 120 days subscription plan, they will get a further 5% discount.
I've signed up, what's next?
Login to your affiliate account to copy your referral link and discount code. WhatsApp your referral link and discount code to you friends or post them onto Facebook. When you friends click onto you referral link and buy, you will be rewarded.
How do I recommend?
"Dear Mary, I have been using the ECOSAM hand dishwashing liquid and would like to recommend that you give it a try. Here's your 5% discount code [eg. SAM5] and this is my referral link [eg.]. Click onto my link and buy."
I'm interested but need to know more
How much commissions will I get?
Today, it's 25% of direct sales, 5% of sales 1-level-deep, and 3% of sales 2-level-deep.
How do I know if my friends clicked onto my link and bought?
Login here and you will be able to see their orders.
*this is not a pyramid scheme because there are no sign up fees.